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Sanderson's Hill Page 13

  Logan has made her appearance, looking as beautiful as ever. She is dressed in a pure white dress with with soft pink trim around ruffled short sleeves, and a v-neck. The trim also encircles the bottom of the dress. Part of her hair is pulled back and is held by a large pink bow, the rest of it falling softly on her strong shoulders. As soon as she comes out the door, people notice her. She is quickly greeted with handshakes from the men, and hugs from all the ladies.

  “Hey you.”

  Logan hears a voice, and out of the corner of her eye she sees Gavin approaching her. He has on a clean shirt and trousers. She looks at him and smiles broadly, shaking her head. She is glad to see him, as he walks up to and behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her and kissing her on the cheek. Everyone it town also knows about Logan and Gavin, they are the number one item in Rio Doso.

  “God you look so beautiful, and you smell so good. Um,” he whispers into her ear, squeezing her tight up against him. Causing her to blush.

  She smiles, “You don't look so bad yourself Gavin. You shaved, and put on a clean shirt.

  “And bathed. Just for you my dear,” he says. Then he turns his attention to all the people at the party, “God have you ever seen so many people Logan, and they just keep comin'.”

  “Yeah they do this every year. What can I say John and Catherine are very influential people around here, you and I both know that now.”

  “Yeah I agree. But it's you all these people want to see and get closer to Logan. You're the boss here now,” he says, still holding her tightly up against him.

  “Yeah and you're my assistant boss,” she says, turning around in his arms to look at him with a grin on her face.

  “Yeah I am, and you love that don't you?” He says, as he kisses her gently.

  “You do know, that every bodies watching us don't you,” she asks?

  “Yeah I know it, let em watch,” he says smiling, unable to take his eyes off of her.

  “You know I was just thinking about how much our lives have changed, just in just the past few months Gavin. I mean look at us.”

  “Yeah I know. It's crazy ain't it?"

  “When we rode into this town that day, we never in our wildest dreams envisioned this. I'm running this huge ranch and you're the foreman. And you and I. Wow," she exclaims! Looking up at him, with a big smile coming across her face.

  He smiles back and kisses her, “Yeah I agree,” he says, still holding her in front of him. “Wow's right. Are you happy with all of this Logan?”

  “You bet I am. Why? Aren't you?”

  “Yeah I am. I'm happier than I've ever been. Besides I get to be with you and make love to you, whenever I want.”

  She laughs at his remark. “See isn't it nice, to not have to go out hunting some badasses down, that might kill us?'

  “Yeah it is. Which makes me think. I wonder where Hogg is? He was our reason for showing up here in Rio Doso in the first place. Remember?”

  “Yeah I know. Who cares where they are. Dead I hope. But if not, and he and his thugs come back around here we'll take care of them. But our lives are too good now to go off chasin' them, and getting ourselves killed.”

  “Yeah you're right about that. What about the commitment you made to the Johnson girls?”

  “I still plan to keep it, but only if Hogg comes here and threatens this ranch, and the Sandersons. I won't let anything happen to John and Catherine. Ever.”

  “Spoken like a daughter,” he says to her. She smiles, at his comment, and raises her eyebrows.

  Across from them, John is visiting with the Chatfield's, and they like everyone present they're watching Logan and Gavin.

  “She's a beautiful girl John,” Bill Chatfield, comments about Logan.

  “Yes John she is.” his wife Jane concurs. “You've got to be proud of all the things you and Catherine are doing for her.”

  “It's not that at all. We, Catherine and myself, we are so proud of her. Look at her up there on the porch with Gavin, his arms wrapped around her. Those two kids love each other. You'd never know, that either of them used to be bounty hunters, and she had a reputation.”

  “Yes it seems that everyone here wants to talk to her, and be seen with her,” Bill observes.

  “Yes and they all should, especially if they have any influence at all around here, like you. After all she's the one who is runs this operation now. Not me.”

  “But you still have the final say on things don't you John,” Jane asks?

  John looks at them both shaking his head and says, “nope. She's in charge of everything. She's smart as whip. And no one, I mean no one's gonna jerk that girl around,” he says, emphatically.

  “So you don't feel like it's a mistake at all, putting her in charge like you have,” Bill questions?

  “Absolutely not. And neither should you or anyone else that lives around here.”

  They're quiet, as they listen to John strongly affirm his decision to put Logan in charge of operating the ranch.

  Then Jane observes, “Is that one of Jennifer's dresses that Logan is wearing?”

  “Yes, yes it is. Catherine and I thought she should have them. We didn't, couldn't get rid of them after Jenn passed. They were just hanging in Jenn's closet, not doing anybody any good. So we discussed it, and decided to give them to Logan, since the two girls are almost the same size.” Then he pauses. “You both have to know and understand that Logan has never, I mean never, had the opportunity before now to just be an ordinary girl, like Jenn was. She never had, or gave herself the chance to have and wear nice things, until now. That's why Catherine and I gave her Jenn's stuff.” He says, looking at the both of them. Then he gets up from where he's been setting next to the Chatfields, and motions to Logan to come and help him and Catherine welcome more guests to the party.

  As John leaves them, they look at each other, still questioning in their minds if John has made the right decision, though it's none of their business, really. They like many in the area, wonder why he decided to all of a sudden, to have Logan learn the ranching business. They all thought that Jay Canter would have been a much more logical choice. But that didn't happen, Jay has left, and Logan is now in complete control of Sanderson's Hill. Everyone here at the party today knows she was a bounty hunter, as was her boyfriend Gavin Sloan, who is the foreman of Sanderson's Hill now.

  Of course the Chatfields, and everyone else around the area is aware of the strong bond that has developed over time between Logan and the Sandersons. She is already fiercely loyal to them, and will not allow anything to happen to this ranch, and as she just told Gavin, or to the Sandersons.

  She knows she's been given an opportunity here, and she wants to take full advantage of what John and Catherine are doing for her. Logan has never had anyone believe in her like this before. She has always had to fend for herself, taking one blow during her life, right after another. Then having to recover from her often bad experience. She has spent the last nine years doing nothing but that off and on, since she ran away from home. Even when she rode with Gavin, it was a lot like that. They just had each other to take those life blows together, rather than alone.

  Logan is also a keenly aware of the doubters of her ability to do this job. Partly because she's a woman, and a young one at that. She's been a bounty hunter, and of course some of the doubters don't know Logan all that well yet. She doesn't let any of those opinions of her concern her at all. She, nor John care much about what others think about the decisions made at Sanderson's Hill ranch. Logan knows that she has John's confidence in her, and that is all that matters to her.

  “Would you me let go? Please?” She says, trying to pull away from Gavin's grasp. “He's motioning for me to go and greet more guests, with him and Catherine.”

  “I don't want to let go, can I come along?”

  “Yes silly,” she says. “Come on.” She takes his hand and they walk toward two more buggies and two horseman that have arrived.

  They are quickly joined by
Catherine, as she grabs for Logan's other hand just like any mother and daughter would do.

  They greet and welcome the guests in the buggies first, then the two men on horseback.

  “Henry,” John says. “Glad you could make it.”

  “John,” Baker says sternly, as he dismounts his horse.

  John notices the tone in his voice, then asks, “No Brittany?”

  “No she decided to stay behind, especially with the situation as it exists between you and Jay. She thought it would be better staying at the Running 'B', rather than create a ruckus with him here.”

  John shook his head, Catherine is by his side, Logan is between them. Gavin is behind her.

  “I don't believe I know you sir,” John asks? Looking up at Jones, who has not dismounted.

  “Oh John this is my new security man. Tass Jones.”

  “Jones,” John says, as the two men nod acknowledging each other.

  Jones has his gaze firmly locked onto Logan and Gavin. He has a smirking grin on his face. John looks down at Logan and realizes she's looking back at him. Her eyes locked in a glare to Jones. Gavin is doing the same thing.

  “Henry I don't believe you've met Logan Kincaid, she is my ranch manager, and this is Gavin Sloan, he's our ranch foreman.”

  Henry tips his hat, “Logan Kincaid. Oh yes you're the bounty hunters, that he hired sometime ago, to run off rustlers? You and mister Sloan here.” He emphasizes the words bounty hunters, in an attempt to intimidate both of them. He wants to let them both know of his disapproval of them.

  “Yeah that's how it started out, but its funny things have changed. You know how it is? Mr... Baker is it?” Logan says to him. Using the sound of questioning indignation in her voice, trying not to embarrass the Sandersons in anyway, but she is trying to intimidate Henry too.

  Baker is completely taken aback by her cocky attitude and brash comment toward him. Questioning who he is. If circumstances were different he thinks, he would slap her silly for a comment like that. He thinks Logan is an arrogant brat, who needs to be put in her place. But this is not the right time or place for that, and he notices how closely Gavin is holding onto her.

  Henry is not here to cause trouble today. He wants to put doubt in all the minds of those present at the party, that Logan has no business running a ranch the size of Sanderson's Hill. And he wants to make sure the Sanderson's, Logan, and Gavin see his new hire Tass Jones.

  “Didn't you hire them for security John?'

  “Yes at first, but as she said things have turned out differently,” he says, firmly. “So tell me Henry, you said you've hired Mr. Jones here, for security too?”

  “Yes, yes I did. I figured, that with all of the trouble you're having with rustlers, that maybe it was time for me to have my own security man at the Running 'B.' You can never be to careful you know.” Then Baker turns his attention back to Logan again. “So your managing Sanderson's Hill is that right?” Using a disbelieving tone, still doing his best to build doubt in the minds of those present.

  And everyone is listening to the conversation.

  “That's what he said.” She firmly states. Her blue eyes flashing and glaring at him. She knows what he's doing, he's trying to get inside her head. He's trying to get her to say or do something stupid, that she might be sorry for in front of all these people, and at the same time embarrass the Sanderson's. Thus proving him right, that she has no business being in charge of the Sanderson's Hill.

  Henry notices her glare at him, then says, “So John tell me why on earth did you put her in charge here? She's a bounty hunter for God sake's. I thought Jay would have been a much more logical choice. He said he didn't want to work for a female bounty hunter, so that's why he came to work for me.” Baker is looking squarely at Logan, then at Gavin, still doing his best to intimidate them. Still trying to build doubts in the minds of the good people of Rio Doso, that Logan has no business at all, running the biggest ranch in the territory.

  Logan is looking at him intently, wanting to leap. Gavin's tightens his grip around her, not knowing if she would lunge at Baker in retaliation or not. She wants too, but she remains calm. Restraining herself, standing quietly between the Sandersons, out of respect for them and their guests.

  John then defends his decision to have Logan run Sanderson's Hill.

  “Well Henry I look at it this way. I don't see that it's any of your damn business or anyone else around here for that matter, who I chose to run my ranch. And she is the logical choice, for me. My choice. Now if you and Mr. Jones here, have come here to enjoy yourselves, then do so. If not, then you can get back on your horse and ride out of here.”

  “Well John I had no intention of staying or being social.

  “Then what did you come for Henry?”

  Baker doesn't answer directly but defers, “I can imagine John, that you're a little sore about me beating you to draw, and buying up that property out by the mesa.”

  John is now tired of Baker's self-importance, and is in his face, “Well from what I've heard Henry, ya ain't paid for it either.”

  “Well I don't see that's any of your concern John.” Baker states as the conversation grows more heated.

  “Well it is if you're buyin' up all that land to hem us in Henry, and if you doing if for that reason, that's bye-God when it becomes our concern.”

  “It's business John. Just business.” Baker states, firmly. As the two men's faces get closer to each other, and the tone of the conversation grows more adversarial.

  “Leave Henry you're not welcome here. And take your so called security man with you.”

  “Okay John I'll leave you with your bounty hunters. You're right, I really came here because I wanted you and every one in attendance to meet Mr. Jones here. He will be protecting my interests from here on, just like your lady bounty hunter here is protecting yours.” Then he looks down into Logan's eyes, he's six-three, and says, “don't cross him Ms. Kincaid, or you Mr. Sloan.” Logan is quiet her eyes meeting his, she's not intimidated by him, and neither is Gavin.

  Henry mounts his horse, then nods to a still smirking Jones, and they turn and ride away.

  John is fuming at Bakers arrogance. Then he turns to everyone present, and speaks, pulling Logan to his side, his hand holding her arm. “This is Logan Kincaid folks you met her when you arrived here today, because she's helped Catherine and me greet all of you. You also know she's been here for sometime now, and she's in charge of this ranch. Period. And if any of you has a problem with that, like Baker, then you can leave right now. I chose this girl for a lot of reasons, none of which are any of your concern. Nothing has changed at Sanderson's Hill Ranch, and nothing will. Now let's get back to having a good time. Shall we?”

  No one left the party, they all stayed. Logan is still standing right next to John, Catherine is just to her right and, Gavin is still behind her. Everyone present sees this, as John, still holds onto her arm. The people of Rio Doso see the Sanderson family. They see that John and Catherine have a daughter back in their lives. She may not be a blood daughter, but none the less that's what she's become to them. She's not Jennifer either. She is a young woman who is independent and strong. One that will protect the Sandersons and their interests with her life, if need be. It's in her eyes and her demeanor. Everyone in Rio Doso has seen it in her, since the day she arrived here month's ago.

  HENRY AND JONES ARE now some distance from Sanderson's Hill, as they head down the main road that will take them back to the Running 'B.' Henry begins to question Jones about his impressions of Logan and Gavin.

  “So tell me Tass what do you think of John's bounty hunters?”

  Jones is quiet for a few seconds thinking about how to respond, “They're good.”

  “That's it? They're good?”

  “Yeah they are. They could cause anybody trouble. But I don't think they're anything I can't handle either.” Jones says this in order to keep Henry's confidence in him, however he knows that Logan and Gavin are not just go
od, they're very good. He's not sure he could do anything about them if it comes to him having a confrontation with them. He's quiet about that, and doesn't want to reveal those doubts to Henry.

  “That's good to hear. Because if I can get this scheme to finally work, and you steal enough of Sanderson's cows, then I will be the owner of that huge spread. I want that ranch very badly, but even more I want to see Logan Kincaid put into her proper place.”

  “Yeah and what is that place Henry?”

  “Out of site, that's where. She has in my opinion, nothing but a self-important brat, since John has put her in charge of the ranch. She will be the first person I take down. But first things first, we must rustle enough of John's cows to bring him down, before we deal with Logan and her boyfriend Gavin Sloan.”

  As Jones listens to Henry, he says nothing knowing that what he's trying to do is a tall order, given the fact that Logan and Gavin are in charge of Sanderson's Hill. And they will be difficult to deal with, more difficult than anyone he's run into. He also knows that Baker's scheme to acquire Sanderson's Hill is precarious at best, and he'll play along. He knows that Henry is getting desperate, because he's hired him to do his dirty work. Jones knows that people usually hire him out of desperation, when things are about to go wrong.

  THE EVENING PASSED very quickly, it has gotten late, as John and Catherine see the last of their guests off. Many of the men had drove the buggies to the party, but were so inebriated as they left, that they couldn't drive home. So it was up to their wives, or girlfriends to take the reins and get them home safely.

  With the exception of the run in with Henry Baker, earlier in the day the rest of the party came off with out a hitch. Everyone seemed to enjoy John and Catherine's hospitality, as usual, as they learned of the new order at Sanderson's Hill Ranch.

  Logan and Gavin have found the porch swing to their liking and are setting in it, next to each other, talking and laughing. John and Catherine step up on the front porch, and set down in the two wicker chairs, across from them. John is anxious to find out what Logan and Gavin thought of Tass Jones. Henry Baker's new security man, and he wastes no time getting straight to the point.