Sanderson's Hill Page 12
“Sure I'm fine with it, I want him to know, like you.” She pauses, then says, “Anyway the evening I got out of the twelfth grade, he came home early one summer evening. He was as usual drunk as hell, barely able to walk or stand up. It was hot and the neighbors where all out on their front porches. I heard him coming because he was yelling and cussing at them, slurring his words, screaming at the top of his lungs. I was waiting for him though, I was packed and ready to leave, but first I wanted to get even with him for what he'd done to me.”
“I had his carbine that he kept in the house, and he'd showed me how to use it. We'd go shooting sometimes when he was sober, and I being a kid thought he might be going to change his ways toward me. Of course that didn't happen.
“Anyway I was standing on the front porch when he came home that night, with the rifle in my hands. I wasn't going to let him in the house. I was determined not to let him violate me ever again. I told him to stay outside and sleep off his drunken stupor, that we'd talk the next morning. He didn't want to hear any of that of course, he said he was through talking to me. So we argued for several minutes, with him yelling and calling me everything he could think of. Then he said he wasn't gonna let me keep him out of his own house.”
She pauses.
“Then what happened?”
“Then he did something that completely surprised me. He drew his little derringer out of his jacket pocket and pointed it directly at me, to shoot me. He said he'd kill me, if I didn't give him the rifle and get out of his way, and let him into the house. He was really mad at me. At first I wasn't really sure what I was going to do? I had to make a split second decision, so I pulled the trigger on the rifle, and shot him?”
“ kill the sonofabitch?”
“No I shot him in the shoulder, and he fell backwards to the ground. He was cussing me and calling me everything.”
“Then what did you do after that?”
“I never bothered to look at him. I just dropped the rifle on the porch, turned and went in the house and got my satchel and left. That's last time I saw him, more than nine years now.”
“Do you know if he's still alive?”
“No. And you know I sure don't care.”
“What would you do if you saw him today? Would you kill him?”
“I don't rightly know the answer to that question either, because I hate him so much, I don't know if I could kill him.”
Catherine was in front of Logan and puts her arms around her, hugging her, “You poor dear. Those must be very, very painful memories that you have, and I'm not talking about you shooting him, he deserved that. It's horrible that he drove you to that point. But his sexual abuse of you, are atrocities that no words can describe.”
Logan now has tears forming in her eyes, as Catherine releases her. Logan is shaking her head, she looks down, as she remembers, “He used to leave bruises on me, he'd hurt me and hit me when he was on top of me. He'd knock me out, and I'd have a black eye for days. Catherine I was just a kid, and I thought that was the way it was for all kids. I didn't know what to do.” She says this, crying, as Catherine hugs her tightly again.
Catherine is aghast at the story Logan just described to her, at what it was like living with her dad. “The horror of it all, that this girl has gone through.” she thinks to herself. “No wonder she trusted of no one, and became a bounty hunter. The pain and anger she must feel inside must be unimaginable.”l
Catherine has tears in her eyes too, then she tells Logan that all of that's in the past, it's over, and he can't hurt her like that anymore.
Logan wipes the tears away, because she's crying, something she never does, but this time it's different. Her crying is deep and real, as she releases this pain, that has been bottled up inside of her all of these years.
“Catherine is still hugging her tightly her and says, “cry dear. Get all that pain out.”
After a few minutes Logan stops crying and begins to settle down. Catherine has given her a towel to wipe the tears from her eyes. Eyes that are now red from all of those tears. Tears that until now couldn't flow. They couldn't because she didn't have anyone to talk to about all of this, until now.
“God I can't imagine carrying all that pain around like you have for all of those years. Honey you're so brave.” she says putting her hands softly on Logan's shoulders. “I'm not talking about you being a bounty hunter either, you are such brave young woman. To have put up with all of that abuse for all of those years. Its a wonder that you survived.”
Logan look at me,” she says with her hand underneath her chin. Logan looks directly at Catherine.
The compassion in her eyes and her voice is that of a mother to a daughter, “I want you to remember this most about yourself, this is what John and I think about you. We think that you are a, graceful, smart, sweet, beautiful young woman. One that John and I love having around, and are so proud to have you here, to go places with us like you do. We love you Logan, and we trust you so much that we decided to let you run this ranch for us. That's what John and I know and think about you Logan. Remember that.”
Logan shakes her head, “I know that. I've felt that ever since I walked through the front door the first day I got here. I am so great full to the both of you, for all you're doing for me. I never have thought that I deserved anything like what you and John are doing for me. I wondered if I should burden you with all of this, since I know about Jennifer and how you've grieved her. I just wasn't sure sometimes if I should talk to you about it.”
“You didn't burden me. Jennifer is gone and we will love and miss her forever, but you are here with us now, and we're so very glad you are Logan.”
Catherine is still in front of Logan with her hands still laying softly on her shoulders.
Catherine then returns to cutting Logan's hair, understanding the correlation of her becoming a bounty hunter. She knows that after all the abuse that Logan put up with, it was a logical choice for her to hunt down bad men. After all it was the only kind of man she'd ever known.
Catherine knows now after hearing all of this that Logan was dead inside. Her soul was battered to the core, after the rape and incest. She thought all men were like that, that's why she's been so resilient. It's why she's so untrusting. She has survived because each and every time she brought someone to justice, or had to shoot someone. She was punishing Cal Kincaid. She was ridding her soul of all that he'd done to her. Catherine thinks to herself that each and every time she garnered a bounty, she was saying to Cal, “There you sonofabitch! See what I just did?” It's surprising that she even let Gavin near her Catherine thinks, after hearing Logan's story. But Catherine knows that he too is special, and he treats Logan like she should be treated. After all he loves her, and she loves him.
Several miles away at the Running 'B', Henry Baker's ranch, a lone rider rides up to the ranch house. He is new to the area, and is here to work on Henry's ranch. As security, though Henry has indicated in his letters to the man, that his duties will be varied.
The man is from Texas and is a known enforcer there, and that is why Henry Baker wants him. Henry has just hired Jay Canter as the foreman, and knows that he will have to make it clear to him that his job is to run the ranch, and that this new man will not answer to him. Henry wants to make sure that Jay understands this, he wants him to know that not everybody who works at the ranch is under his watch.
As this man dismounts his horse in front of Henry's house, he looks around and he ties his horse to the hitching post. He is trying to size up the situation as best as he can, trying to see what he is getting himself into. He knows that this ranch is very large. He rode several minutes, before he even laid eyes on this house.
He steps onto the porch and knocks. The door is opened by pretty young woman with long dark brown hair. Just as the man was about to ask the girl for Henry, an older man walks up behind her, and says, “You must be Tass Jones.”
“I am,” Jones respond
s. Taking his hat off, in the presence of Brittany Baker.
“Come in, Come in. I've been expecting you. This is my daughter Brittany. Brit meet Tass Jones our new security man.”
“What do you need him for? Isn't that Jay's job?” She asks her father, not at all comfortable with Jones' presence.
“Well Brittany you know with John having trouble with all those rustlers on his ranch, I felt like it was time for me to hire someone to look out for the security of our property, the same way he has Logan and Gavin doing.”
“Have you told Jay about this,” she questions?
“No but I will. Jay is a very busy running our ranch, I made it clear to him that was his job when he came here. He'll have to accept this, because it is purely a business decision.”
She just shakes her head in disgust and walks away, not liking any of this, knowing she can do nothing about Jones being here. Her first inclination when she saw Jones come to the door, is that he gives her the creeps. Leading her to think that she doesn't understand her father's thought process in hiring him at all.
Baker and Jones proceed into Henry's his office. Henry closes the door behind them.
“You come highly recommended Mr. Jones, as someone who can get things done. If you know what I mean.”
“I do. And I can,” Jones replied.
“Good! I want you to know, that I have one hundred fifty thousand acres of land, and fifteen ranch hands, as well as a thousand head of cattle. My foreman is Jay Canter, but you won't be answering to him. His job is to run the ranch. Yours will be to answer directly to me, and to know one else. Understand.”
The man shakes his head. “understood.”
“What we, you and I discuss stays in here, between us. And what I tell you to do, you will carry out, with my blessing. Do you understand that?”
“I do,” Jones answers
“Good! Because what I have here Mr. Jones.”
“Alright Tass. I have a situation that I hope a man with your skills can help me with. My land is not prime grazing land, and in the next five years I plan to double the size of my herd, but I can't do that without more good grass for them. And if I am going to double the size of my herd, the only way to accomplish that is to get control of the other large ranch in this area, Sanderson's Hill, which is right next to mine. It's more than twice as big as my spread, it is owned by Big John Sanderson. Have you ever heard of him?”
“I need you to do everything you can to help me get control of some of his property. I have for sometime now been hiring rustlers to steal his cattle, but it seems to have had little effect on the day to day operation of his spread. My plan has run a muck because he's hired a couple of bounty hunters to help him, and that has really stopped anyone for wanting to do my bidding.”
“Oh yeah? Why?”
“The bounty hunters are named Logan Kincaid a woman, and Gavin Sloan. Ever hear of either of them. I'm told the woman has quite the reputation.”
“Never heard of either of them.”
“I am also told that the girl Logan, is now running the entire operation over there. I learned that from Jay, who used to work as the foreman at Sanderson's Hill. That's one of the reasons he left there to come to work for me. He doesn't like her at all.”
“Could he be an ally for us?”
“I doubt it, he is a straight shooter, and not given to under handed tactics like this. So we'll leave him out of this. Besides he and Brittany are going to be married, and I don't want that ruined for her.”
Jones sets there taking all of this in. He is a rugged man. His face is chiseled with lines running all over it. He is also an underhanded individual. He's no security man, he's an enforcer, and Henry's is hiring him to do his dirty work.
“I also don't want you staying here at the ranch. It will cause a commotion, especially with Jay. You are to come here to report to me understand. The less time you spend here at the Running 'B' the better. I want you to stay in Rio Doso in the hotel. I will pay all of your expenses for your entire stay, while you're here.”
Jones sets and listens.
“My first task for you is to go into town and ask around for men who want a job. You want to try and hire those who have left Sanderson's Hill, and are still around, that would be good. They may want to settle a score with Logan or John, for being let go.”
“I'll do it but you got to tell me how much these men will get paid. This could be dangerous work, especially with a couple of bounty hunters hangin' around over at the other ranch.”
Henry thinks for a second. “Tell them five dollars a day. You're going to need at least four or five men.”
“That's not a lot of money.”
“I know. Tell them that each of them will get a thousand dollars each when the job is complete.”
“Oh one more thing, they're having a shindig at the Sanderson's ranch tomorrow. I want you to meet me there at the entrance to the Sanderson place, say four tomorrow afternoon. You can ask at the hotel how to get their.”
“Why do you want me there?”
“I want them to see you Tass. I especially want Logan and Gavin to see you.”
Henry hopes this little scheme of his will work, because it's his last ditch effort to get at Sanderson's Hill. A task that has been made much more difficult, now that Logan is in charge. With his bank credit in jeopardy, and his money running low, he will have to pay for Jones and his men out of what he has remaining. He still has two thousand in the bank in Rio Doso and will always have that to escape the area, if he needs it.
As for Brittany and Jay. He's not sure where that's going to go. He thinks that if she left it may be for the best, this time. At least she won't have to be a party to any of his land grabbing schemes anymore.
Bailey Hogg and his gang of murdering thugs have decided to ride some ways to west of Rio Doso, and it's law. They know that they are being sought by every lawman it the territory, just as they were in Texas. They know that they have a hefty reward on their heads, that is why they've decided to lay low, and stay out of towns, where there are men who wear badges. Today is no different for them, they are mean men who live by their wits, not knowing or caring what day it is. They just search the land looking for someone to kill and something to destroy.
Today is no different for them, they come up a small group of old men, women, and children of the Zuni Nation. It is the type of situation that Hogg relishes. There are no braves around, this is a very small village, and the Zuni are peaceful. They are a building and gathering people, who chose to live in peace. But today this small village of fifteen or so people is about to come to an end, at the hands of Hogg and his gang.
Doak Walker has tried to persuade Hogg to go into Rio Doso and rob the bank there. Bailey has said that they'll do that, but in do time. Today he has come up a situation that he can't resist, innocent people to slaughter.
“They's lookin' ripe for the pickin' boys,” Hogg says. Referring to the small group of people, he sees in the small valley below.
“Ya this is gonna be to easy Bailey, let's go rob the bank in Rio Doso, like Doak has been suggestin' to ya,” Charlie Demp says.
“And I said we's gonna do it, but we ain't until I'm goddamn ready. Understand?”
“Now what ya all say to killin them savages down thar. How bout you indian? You ready to kill some of your own kind.” Hogg says, to the half-breed Billy Brokenfeather. Then he laughs, with a wild look in his eyes.
“I ain't never done that. I ain't gonna start doin' it now, Bailey,” he says. “I ain't killin' my own kind.”
“Chicken shit!" Hogg growls, at him.
“I ain't killin' anymore defenseless people either Bailey,” Charlie says.
“You know he's got a point Bailey it's one thing to kill men, but hell you kill everybody. men, women, kids. We seen ya do it a dozen times or more. How the fuck do you sleep at night,” Doak Walker asks?
bsp; “I sleep goddamn good Doak. Now are you cowardly bastards with me or not?”
“Count us out Bailey,” Charlies says. “I done enough killin' a innocent people to last me a lifetime. I don't want to do this again.”
“Fuck you all then,” Hogg says to them. Then he cuts out lickity-split and heads down into the valley below with his guns drawn. Once he gets to where the people are in his range, he begins to shoot every living soul. Out of ammo in his two guns, he proceeds to chase the other three people down killing all of them with his two scatter guns, and by stabbing them, or cutting their throats with his Bowie knife. His co-hearts in crime just set up on the hill and watch, shaking their heads not wanting to kill innocents again. But they're also unwilling to help, because they are not willing to be killed by Hogg, something that they know that he's very capable of doing to all of them, in an instant.
Saturday afternoon has come to Sanderson's Hill, where guests are arriving to feast on fresh beef cooked over an open fire. The meat of the carcass has been cooking for several hours in order for it to be ready for John and Catherine's big shindig. The kitchen crew has rustled up fresh vegetables, potatoes, gravy and roles, not to mention three kinds of pie, and all the whiskey one cares to drink.
The people who have arrived are the most influential people in and around Rio Doso. The Chatfields, the sheriff, other ranchers, the preacher, the mayor, everyone who has to do with making this area a safe, good place to live. They look forward to this every year, it's an annual happening at Sanderson's Hill as John and Catherine kick off the summer season. This year though, they have only come to see John and Catherine socially. They're all here to get to know Logan better, as she's now is in charge of Sanderson's Hill. They already know her and who she is, she's been here at John and Catherine's ranch for sometime now. Word spread rapidly sometime ago, throughout the area, that John had stepped down, and had decided that Logan is the one to take over his reigns of running Sanderson's Hill.